FDI in the 2 months of 2022

In the first 2 months of 2022, the total newly issued and adjustedVietnamese investment capital abroad reached nearly 44.5 million USD  (an increase of nearly 2.1 times over the same period). In which, 21 projects were granted new investment registration certificates, with the total registered capital reaching over 51.7 million USD  (an increase of 2.4 times over the same period); there are 01  adjusted increasing capital projects with an additional 9.19 million USD and 01 adjusted capital reduction project by 16.4 million USD.

Vietnamese investors have invested abroad in  10 industries. In which, “mining” takes the lead with 01 new investment project of 33.54 million USD, accounting for nearly 75.4% of the total investment capital. The “wholesale and retail” industry ranks second with 8 new investment projects, total investment capital is over 15.1 million USD, accounting for 34.1%; followed by industries finance, banking, transportation, and warehousing,…

There are  8  countries and territories receiving investment from Vietnam in the first 2 months of 2022. Leading is Lao’s with  02 new investment projects and  01 capital adjustment projects, the total registered investment capital is  48.23 million dollars. The second place in Singapore with a total investment capital of over 7.4 million USD. Next is the United States, China, Korea, …

Accumulated to February 20, 2022, Vietnam has 1,469 valid overseas investment projects with a total investment capital of over 20.9 billion USD in Vietnam. Vietnam’s investment abroad focuses the most on the mining industry (32.4%); agriculture, forestry, and fishery (16%). The areas receiving the most investment from Vietnam are Laos (25%), respectively; Cambodia (13.6%); Venezuela (8.7%);…

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